Monday 8 August 2011

Brain Waves

If we go to the hospital, laboratium, or to centers of study of human brain function, then we can meet with an EEG or electroencephalogram and Brain Mapping. Both tools were used to observe the activity of the human brain. Brain Mapping The difference is only a physical check. To find a disturbance, brain damage or disability, for example brain tumors, brain blood pembulu outbreak, impact on the head and so on. While the EEG to check vibration, frequency, or brain wave signals which then are grouped into several states of consciousness.
Vibration or frequency is the number of pulses (impulses) per second with units of Hz.Based on research over the years in many developed countries, the frequency of the human brain is different for each phase of conscious, relaxed, light sleep, deep sleep, trance, panic, and so on. Through research that long, eventually the neurologist (brain) agreed under the brain waves associated with states of mind. I'll explain one by one about the types of brain wave frequencies and its influence on the condition of the human brain.
GAMMA (16 hz - 100 hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person experiences a very high mental activity, for example, was in the arena, the struggle for the championship, appeared in public, very panicky, terrified, in full awareness of this condition. Based on the investigation into Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson (Center for Acoustic Research) above the gamma waves actually there's more of a wave Hypergamma (exactly 100 Hz) and Lambda wave (exactly 200 Hz), will geolombang-wave which is associated with supernatural or extraordinary abilities.
BETA (above 12 hz or 12 hz s / d 19 hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person experiencing a mental activity that wakefulness. You are in this condition when you perform your daily activities and interacting with others around you. Beta waves are divided into 3 groups, namely high beta (greater than 19 Hz) which is a transition to gamma vibration, and vibration beta (15 Hz -18 Hz) which is also a transition to gamma vibration, and further lowbeta (12 Hz ~ 15 Hz ).
Sensory Motor Rhytm (12 hz - 16 hz)SMR actually still get the vibration lowbeta, but special attention and also recently studied in depth recently by experts, because people with epilepsy, ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) and Autism did not produce this type of wave. The above disorders are not unable to concentrate or focus on something that is considered important. So that any appropriate treatment is the way that his brain can produce vibrations that SMR. And this can be done with neurofeedback techniques.
ALPHA (8 hz - 12 hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person is experiencing relaksaksi or start a break with the signs of the eyes began to close or getting sleepy. You generate alpha waves each will sleep, precisely the transition between conscious and unconscious. The phenomenon of alpha used by many experts to start giving suggestion hypnosis to the patient. People who start meditation (meditation mild) also produces alpha waves.Alpha 8 -12 Hz frequency, a frequency controller, connecting the conscious mind and subconscious. You can remember your dreams, because you have the alpha waves.Blurred or clear a dream you can remember, depending on the quality and quantity of alpha waves when you dream.
THETA (4 Hz - 8 Hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person experiencing light sleep, or very sleepy.The signs began to slow down and breath deeply. In addition to people who are on the verge of sleep, some people also produce brain waves during trance, hypnosis, meditation in, prayer, religious rituals with khusyu. People who are capable of flowing chi energy, prana or energy within, also generate theta brain waves when they exercise or channeling energy to others.
Babies and toddlers sleep an average of more than 12 hours a day. That's why the brains of children are always in the phase of alpha and theta waves. Keep in mind, the alpha and theta waves are the waves of the subconscious mind. Therefore, children learn very quickly and easily accept the word of others as they are. These brain waves also cause the imagination of exceptional children. When they play with cars for example, their active imagination and the game became very exciting.Theta brain waves are also known as the "wave a magic", because it is associated with psychic powers. Based on investigations by experts, that many aircraft accidents, collision, fire, marine vessel accidents, which killed many people. But there are oddities, some children under five could be saved. This possibility is because the kids almost every time in a state of theta waves. Feeling close to God was going to happen if we can enter the phase of theta waves. You've probably experienced it when you pray, meditate, perform religious rituals. With this basis that "GOD SPOT" was found.Schumann Resonance (7.83 hz)Schumann Resonance is the vibration of the universe at the frequency 7.83 Hz is also included in the groups of theta waves. A person whose brain is able to produce and maintain this frequency has supernatural abilities, such as ESP, telepathy, clayrvoyance, and other psychic phenomena. Indigo children, namely super-intelligent children who are usually capable of ESP or Extra Sensory Perception, could also enter these waves with ease and constant.
DELTA (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz)Is a brain wave which has a large amplitude and low frequency, ie below 3 hz. Your brain produces waves of this when you are asleep, without a dream. Delta phase is the resting phase for the body and mind. Your body's self healing process, repair damaged tissue, and actively produce new cells while you are asleep.New discoveries in the field of human brain wave frequencies and by Dr. Jeffrey D.Thompson of Neuroacoustic Research, that there was a wave and other frequencies below the delta, or below 0.5 hz, ie frequency EPSILON, which also greatly affect a person's mental activity in the supernatural abilities, such as theta waves above.
Stimulation methods BRAIN WAVESSimulation of brain waves is a natural phenomenon, as natural as theoretical physics.Heard a certain sound vibrations that can vibrate the ear of the brain, so that the brain produces waves of frequency equal to the frequency of the sound we hear. This is tantamount to the laws of physics on the two tuning forks.
If there are two matching tuning fork, tuning fork when one knock on T1 (vibrated), then brought near without touching the other tuning fork T2, which is stationary, then these other tuning fork will also vibrate, with the same tone. So-called T2 resonating tuning fork (vibrating part) with a tuning fork T1.
Similarly, the human brain, with knowing every level of human brain waves that can resonate the vibration of audio, visual, and touch signals or feelings, then we can stimulate our brain to produce certain brain waves as needed, for example, to improve thinking ability, memory, understanding rapid, meditation, psychic activities, treat or improve health for those who suffer from ADHD, ADD or Autism, insomnia and so on.There are three kinds of ways that can be used to stimulate our brains. Two tech audio and visual technology one. Here I will only describe the brain with sound simulation technology, because that's the easiest and cheapest to apply.Binaural BeatsThe principle is: if two waves of frequencies f1 and f2 (right and left ear) combined into one, then the mathematical result was obtained as follows:* Ie the basic frequency f1 and f2.* Odd multiples or harmonics of that frequency masing2 3f1, 5f1 and 3f2 ff, ff 5f2* Difference and the sum of these two fundamental frequency (f1 - f2) and (f1 + f2).Depending on the mathematical applications, the use of and calculations for which the brain then responds "only" f1 and f2 as traditional voice and (f1 - f2) which will be responded by the brain as a wave of gamma, beta, alpha, theta or delta for example, f1 = 400 Hz and f2 = 410 Hz, then f = 10 Hz brain response as alpha waves. Then the difference of two different frequencies is called a binaural beat or pelayangan 2 signals. Binaural beat was first discovered and investigated by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839.
Isochronics wave (Monoaural Beat)Because the binaural beat system required two stereo headphones (left and right) or mounting the speaker (speakers) that is placed right next to the left and right, so that the brain responds quite well, then the system is less convenient for some people.Then the other chosen a better way, namely with the system Isochronics
In isochronic waves, the sound is heard both left and right ears will have a sound frequency and amplitude of the same, only the two signals are modulated with impulses / switch on / off (on / off) with limitations of brain wave rhythms (beta, alpha , theta, delta) is tailored to the target-limit mental activity a person who will be achieved.
Stimulation of brain waves using isochronic system has its own advantages which do not require stereo headphones. Quite the speakers / headphones or a mono-mono headphones or speakers just the result was the same as two stereo headphones using binaural system.Brainwave CD (Brain Wave Therapy) I provided is made by utilizing two technologies at once, the binaural beats and monoaural on one CD. Thus, CD Brain Wave Therapy can be used with headphones or with ordinary speakers.
ALPHA (8 hz - 12 hz)Is the frequency controllers, connecting the conscious mind and under sadar.Relaksasi, quieting the mind, the phase began meditating and can cause drowsiness.THETA (4 Hz - 8 Hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person is experiencing relaksaksi or start a break with the signs of the eyes began to close or getting sleepy. Trance, hypnosis, meditation in, prayer, religious rituals with khusyu.Schumann Resonance (7.83 hz)Schumann Resonance is the vibration of the universe. Supernatural is a wave, such as ESP, telepathy, clayrvoyance, and psychic phenomena are usually super intelligent lainnya.anak enabled ESP or Extra Sensory Perception, could also enter these waves with ease and constant.BETA (12 hz - 19 hz)Is a brain wave that occurs when a person experiencing a mental activity that wakefulness. Provide morale or your activities.DELTA (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz)You generate these waves when you are asleep, without a dream. Delta phase is the resting phase for the body and pikiranTubuh you make the process self-healing, repair damaged tissue, and actively produce new cells while you are asleep.Epilepsy TherapyFor therapy Epilepsi.Sangat ill advised to first consult with an expert, say psychiatrist or psychologist.

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