Monday 8 August 2011

10 Types of Breakfast People of Indonesia

1. Nasi Kuning/Yellow Rice
Yellow rice is a typical Indonesian food. This food is made from rice cooked with turmeric and coconut milk and spices. In the tradition of Indonesia describes the color of yellow rice wealth, prosperity and morality. Therefore, yellow rice often served at Thanksgiving events and happy events such as birth, marriage and fiance.
2.Nasi Pecel/ Rice Pecel
Pecel is the typical food Madiun East Java Indonesia made of vegetable stew of spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, leaves turi, Krai (a type of cucumber) or other vegetables are served with sauce poured pecel. The concept of similarity pecel dish with a salad for Europeans, the fresh vegetables are watered topping mayonnaise. It's just to pecel pecel sauce topping.

3. Lontong Sayur/Vegetable rice cake
This type of rice cake spread a lot in Indonesia. Starting from a rice cake to celebrate Field vegetable Gomeh Cap. The material is yes rice cake, coconut milk, long beans, fried onions, and side dishes depending on your taste. Can know, chicken can be, fish are also entered.4. MieNoodles is the menu for people who wanted a fast, practical, cheap, and not a great cook. Sometimes love is served with poached egg, fried egg, chicken, meatballs or bulb. But many are not using the original side dishes.

5. Nasi Krawu/Rice Krawu
Rice is the typical food Krawu Gresik city. This food is a mixture of rice and beef with the included high oil content. There is also an added rempelo (intestines, tripe, etc.), cingur, even a cow. These foods do not use vegetables. The interesting thing is that although rice rice krawu is typical Gresik but all sellers are madura.
6. Nasi Kucing/Rice Cats
Rice cat (or in the Java language known as "sega ¥ cat") is not a particular menu, but rather on how the presentation of rice packs which are found in this famous shop.Named "rice cat" because it is served in portions (very) few, like the menu to feed a cat. Rice rames cat is a form of rice, with a diverse menu: dry tempeh, fried anchovies, sambal, fried tripe, milkfish, colon, head or paws satay chicken and quail eggs, which increasingly favors that formerly burned briefly before serving. Rice cat known in various places in Central Java (including Yogyakarta) and is very popular among students because the price is quite cheap for the size of children boarding bag, besides it also fits in the tongue of Indonesia.
8. Bubur Ayam/Chicken Porridge
Chicken porridge is a favorite of many people. Ranging from small children, adolescents, and adults, all liked chicken porridge. Term if it's breakfast porridge "shabu", none other than "breakfast porridge".

9. Nasi Liwet/Rice Liwet
Rice is the typical food liwet Solo. Liwet savory rice is rice (cooked with coconut) uduk like rice, served with vegetable squash, shredded chicken (chicken meat cut into small pieces) and areh (a kind of savory puree of coconut).Solo city residents used to eat rice liwet any time from breakfast until dinner. Liwet ordinary rice sold around with bamboo baskets to mothers who carry her every morning or sold in the shop lesehan (without seats). The most famous place for the sale of rice liwet (lesehan shop) is in the area Keprabon who only sell at night.
10. Nasi Jagung/Rice Corn
Rice corn (Nasek ampog) is a typical variation of rice for the people of Madura. It consists of rice and white rice mixed with corn kernels that have been cooked along with the rice. Corn rice with plain white rice is eaten with other side dishes. Rice is also a substitute for diabetics to eat rice.

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