Saturday 16 July 2011

Aokigahara Forest, place of suicide in Japan

Aokigahara protected forest area in Japan has been famous for two things. First, forests in the west of the capital city of Tokyo presents a beautiful view of Mount Fuji witha refreshing air. However, following the making of this present atmosphere of hauntedforest is in there favorite place for suicides. That said, not a few corpses of people who committed suicide in there that could not be found.

Have lost jobs, debt that must be borne Taro also accumulate. He was expelled from thehouse owned by a company that fired him. "We need money to live. If you have a girlfriend, we also need money, especially when I get married. Anyway, money is always important for life," said Taro. That is why, one day he bought a train ticket from Tokyo toAokigahara forest area. Once there, Taro did not hesitate to slice the pulse at the end ofthe wrist of one hand.

Unfortunately for Taro, a suicide that does not make him instantly killed. For days he layin the bushes while suffering from starvation, dehydration and frostbite (frostbite). Deathnever pick up, even Taro's life was saved. That's thanks to an explorer (hiker) whoaccidentally stumble Taro body while enjoying the trip in the woods Aokigahara.Although not so dead, Taro would have lost some fingers on his right leg as a resultsuffer from frostbite. It is unclear, as he lay weak in the hospital after recovering laterwhether Taro will continue to try to end his life or even cured suicide.

According to Japanese government data, as quoted by CNN, in January 2009 recorded2645 cases of suicide. That is, up 15 percent from the same period in 2008, when it was just 2305 cases. The Japanese government claimed that suicide has become apriority that must be addressed. In fact, the government determined to reduce the suicide rate more than 20 percent in 2016.
The problem, efforts to reduce suicide is currently facing severe challenges. That's because amid the global financial crisis, many companies went bankrupt or were dyingso it must implement the layoff of workers such as Taro. Thus, the authorities attempt totighten supervision in schools and workplaces which became the location of suicide.Perhaps more important is often patrolled the Forest Aokigahara so no longer visited bypeople who want to end his life.

"Moreover, this March is the end of the fiscal year. It could be that the more people whocome to this place because of the economic crisis," Watanabe said Imasa, officialsprefecture (provincial level) that controls Yamanashi Forest Aokigahara. "So I aspire tostop the suicides in this forest. But it is difficult to prevent all these cases," saysWatanabe.

There are also horror stories that accompany the nature of this place is very quiet and you will not hear anything except the forest when you walk a few kilometers from the border. Believed that the souls anxious to come to this place to scream with frustrationinto the wind. The forester has the task of finding a corpse in the woods and they oftenfind it, either hanging from a tree or eaten by predators.

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