Monday 18 July 2011

13 Deadly Martial Arts Around the World

Martial arts around the world many kinds. The main goal of all martial arts there are twothings: to defend themselves from enemies and to nourish the body. The following are13 types of the most deadly martial arts around the world
1. Muay Thai (Thailand)
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Muay Thay is hard to exactly when the birth is expected, but the various elements of this self-defense martial art can be found in Japan and India. Popularity of this martial artbegan to emerge in the 1800s. Traditionally, martial arts is very structured, with variousrituals that demonstrate respect for the opponent. Now this self-defense is more focusedas the use of the body as a weapon, fists, shins, elbows, knees, and various other thingsto defeat the opponent. This is what makes this martial valuable, because all body partscan be used as a weapon.

2. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (Brazil)

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Although established in Brazil, the founder of this martial was Mitsuyo Maeda, a fighterfrom Japan, who won more than 2000 games and is considered the most powerful man.Maeda met with the Gracie family in Japan in 1914, and since then also regarded as theGracie family's first family of this self-defense. Emphasis on the throw and thegroundwork to make this sport popular among the mixed sports users

3.Karate (Japan)
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Derived from the word meaning "empty hand", karate was introduced as a self-defensewithout weapons. Various techniques of Karate is expected beginning in the 1300s,although the author of "10 Precepts of Karate", Anko Itosu, the father of modern karate, wrote the book in 1908. "Karate is a technique that changed hands and feet into spears" writes Anko. In a book written by Anko, karate can be used as a way of avoid a fight if confronted by criminals.

3.Kung fu (China)
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Chinese martial search this means literally: The success achieved by the weight and length, and merupakaan oldest martial arts in the world. Since introduced by EmperorHuangti, 2.698 BC, has grown to tens of thousands of martial arts stream. Traditionally,this self-defense taught by Shaolin monks, with primary emphasis on morality andphilosophy, where the value of humility, trust, and patience, and respect the stress.
5. Tae-kwondo (Korea)
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Te-kwondo means "the way of the fist and foot", is growing rapidly in the martial artsafter World War II era, when Japan put an end to the occupation of Korea. Martial arts is renowned for its stunning kick, and combine physical ability and mental strength.Pemengang black belt in this martial reach 3 million people worldwide.
6. Ninjutsu (Japan)
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This mysterious martial art used by the murderer and the Japanese guerrilla fighters.Ninjitsu teaches a variety of ways to surprise your opponent and beat your opponent,with the direction of development for the kill. In addition to the feet, hands, also taught a variety of weapons, including slip and escape techniques effectively.

7. Jujutsu (Japan)
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When the Japanese samurai lose all the weapons, they will switch to the use of Jujutsu(soft art). Jujutsu evolved by focusing on the throws, locks and overthrow themselves. But unlike other martial arts, Jujutsu moving more into "what can aja". Traditionally, studentsare taught a variety of tactics "cheating" such as eye gouges, biting, which if useddengna right, can kill your opponent. Martial arts is very effective if used in combat over short distances.

8. Krav Maga (Israel)
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Israeli martial shall presidential guard, this martial art without rules, and hard. Martialwas never trained for the sport, because benar2 intended to destroy the attacker by focusing on the opponent's vital areas, such as the groin and eyes, and even allows the use of the head as a weapon and various objects that exist as a weapon. Martialapproach is divided three steps: Confront the threat, prevent the opponent to make a second attack, and neutralize opponents.

9. Aikido (Japan)
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Aikido was introduced in the early 1900s, with his followers to learn to use the powerand energy to bring down their opponents. The students are taught to maintain the condition of his attacker, and taught to immobilize without injuring. Use of weapons is also often found in aikido, and his followers were taught to defend against the sticks,swords and even knives. the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, saying that to besuccessful Aikido followers, the disciples must "receive 99% of opponent's attack andstare death in the face without fear."

10. Judo (Japan)
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Judo is found or established by Jigoro Kano, who often bullied during his childhood, about 1860 to 1870. By taking a variety of martial arts that develop basic skills, Kanoadded techniques to create Judo throws. Judo is a word meaning "gentle way" which means kira2 using the opponent's strength against himself. Because of this principle,then the Judoka should not be more stronger than his opponent. The main focus of judois throwing and locks the land, rather than hitting or attacking.

11. Capoeira (Brazil)
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The combination of fight and dance, Capoeira is a martial perhaps the most beautiful to watch. Capoeira is a traditional martial system founded in Brazil by African slavesbrought by the Portuguese to Brazil to work on large plantations. In ancient times they were put through exercises accompanied by traditional musical instruments. Capoeirais not just a culture, but also a national sport of Brazil, and the teachers of the countrymakes a continuous capoeira more international, teaching in groups of students, a variety of fitness centers, small organizations, etc.. Today capoeira studied almost all over the world, from Portugal to Norway, the United States to Australia, dariIndonesia to Japan.

12. Sambo (Rusia)
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Russia developed the martial art form of wrestling in the yg brutal.But during the 1917 Russian bond communist Russian martial ruled that brutaltechniques to break bones and tear the joint is not enough for people sovietcommunists.That's why they modified it to reply in Russian Sambo means "self-defense withoutweapons"
Initially only be learned by the Red Army and government agencies but due to increasingcrime rates, sambo is also studied by the bodyguards.

13. MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) United States
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Each member of the marine average of at least 2 courses must follow the martial per year since 1775.Pada a time there a training program for marine martial in which the program is a combination of several areas where marine've ditugaskan.Programtersebutlah called MCMAP.
In the modern program of MCMAP is taught about the fight using his bare hands(Priority), makeshift weapons (improvised weapons), bayonets, and part of the rifle (buttor butt).
Now when you use the techniques on someone MCMAP moves each have the option tostrike a fatal (die), only to suffer the torment injure or even both.

to-13 that self-defense if they are not fully controlled when using it it will cause death

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